Test Drive to Monaco

Renault wanted more people to test drive (and ultimately buy) their new Clio and Megane models. We came up with a competition - those who do would be in with a chance of winning a trip to Monaco for the Grand Prix. So we commissioned a famous traditional illustrator who produced iconic Monaco Grand Prix posters back in the day, to design our ads. Simple.

C Bomb

To talk about KFC’s welfare credentials we dropped the single most controversial word in the chicken restaurant industry. In a national corporate announcement. And yes, the lead actor was a proper diva to work with…


For Airbus Military we wanted to demonstrate the versatility of each aircraft by constructing them from the things they're capable of carrying. 

Open Is Good For Business 

In light of Brexit and today’s uncertainty for businesses in UK, HSBC wanted to let all UK businesses - big and small - know that a bank as international as HSBC means they are still connected with the world. We wrote regional specific OOH/press manifestos with insights and references unique to each city to create a sense of pride, including a nationwide manifesto. 

Little Drinks, Big Dreams 

Mini Cheddars:
Baked To Perfection 

Mini Cheddars are baked, not fried.
We decided to demonstrate this in a fun, simple way.


Hugo Boss: Boss United